samedi 2 septembre 2017

Une rentrée qui en cache une autre! A New School for New Adventures!

Hello there!
Glad to share this new blog
with you at Alcott
with you at Collège Madame de Stael. 

Madamde Stael Middle High
in the 15th district of Paris
between the Eiffel Tower and the Montparnasse Tower) 
View of the Eiffel Tower from the Montparnasse Tower

Even if  this partnership is new at De Stael this year,
we are going to celebrate the Fifth year of our enthusiastic collaboration.

See by yourself and enjoy!


Des collégiens à Chicago!

The story continues ...
 with Alcott students and their French teacher Ms. Watts
in Chicago!
Ms. Watts and I, your hostess Ms. Bascou (alias Miss B.),
have agreed to continue our joyful and successful collaboration 
we hope to make some students travel in 2019.
So let's start a new trip together 
and share our cities, school lives and hopes! 

  Your hostess, Miss B.

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